Tuesday back to work and getting up at 0430 which sucks overall, not to bad of a day at work good to be back and see everybody from work, everybody interested about our trip good times telling the stories. After work I jumped onto the mountain bike for a ride around Temecula road on the power line access roads for about a hr before it got dark.
Wednesday I planned to ride again but we got a late call and ended up getting off work late so I did a 30 min strength workout at home before heading to bed.
Thursday after work I headed to the jewelry store while we were in Florida Amanda and I started looking for her engagement ring, she found one she liked so we went to checked it out again at our local store here in Temecula. We wanted to up grade the center diamond to make it perfect, they made it seem like it was no problem to do that but once it game down to it they weren't willing to work with us and it was going to be to expensive to make the change so the quest continues to find the perfect ring.
Friday the plan was to go pre ride the fat tire epic 50 course at Vail lake since it changed while I was gone on vacation I talked my friend Shrek from work to come join me , he hasn't been riding much so this was going to be a long day for him.We got riding about 0900 and it was already hot not a good sign, our main objective was to check out the new sections on the back side of the lake let me tell you that first climb after the damn makes the damn climb seem like a breeze I think I under stand the word epic a little better now, good lord Jason your a brutal man, this is a tough course one lap was hard two laps will be difficult to complete least for me.One nice thing we ran into two other guys doing the same so it was good company and we saw Jason on course doing some trail marking, once we made it back to the campground we all jumped into the pool , that was nice, by now it was about 104 degrees and almost four hours since we started but we had a lot of stops checking out the course, fixing a flat and talking to Jason overall one good day of riding though.

Saturday at it again today was the last race of the racers/chasers summer series out at Cahuilla creek mx park,up early and and headed out.During warm it was already getting warm pretty decent turnout of riders. The race went well I got a good start and was in third overall out of all sport riders, three laps this time which is one more than the last race so allot tougher. The first three guys were pretty fast I hung in there pretty well with the fourth place guy I ended up fifth on the day and third overall in the series real happy with that. There was a little problem with our category scoring but Rob and his crew were open to hear the concerns and the facts and it was corrected in a timely manner. Props to them I know it can be difficult keeping track of everybody and the amounts of laps between categories.After the race it was off to pick up Taylor for the rest of the weekend. Amanda's friend Beth was coming over tonight and we all were going to the concert in the park here at the Harveston comm center the theme was songs from the 80's.It was good times good company, free drinks,popcorn,face painting for the kids.

Sunday a happy birthday goes out to Andrew today he turns sixteen. Easy day planned hanging out and letting Amanda get some sleep since after last nights concert she had to go work.Yesterday after the race I was going to head down to Palm Desert to take Andrew out for his birthday but he already had plans with his grandmother and two uncles so we talked and were going to get together next weekend and celebrate the big 16th.