Monday, February 22, 2010

Busy couple of weeks 2/22/10

Its defiantly been busy recently Amanda and I along with Tony and Karla spent a week in Florida at there dads house, we went to the big Gasperella pirate invasion on Sat which is a huge parade with bead necklaces just like martigra It rained a little but it was allot of fun. on Tuesday we headed over to the east coast side and went to Daytona international speedway and visited the nascar museum ,I got to participated in a timed pit stop with a couple other guys it was a lot of fun our time was 11.86 seconds not bad per the event host.The rest of our time we spent hiking, biking went to the beach and played some tennis

Last weekend I race the 3rd race of the R/C series which was held out at Cahuilla creek mx park, good turnout for that venue I ended up fourth in my age group I did not feel real strong but I pushed hard thru out the event heart rate average was high at 168. It was my best time for three laps on that course ,so going into the last race in March I'm looking pretty good in the overall all depends on who does the last race I should end up in the top five which I will be happy with.

Last week I started on my new job title field supervisor position which means I had to go back to a night shift ,but its a good move forward in my career at AMR it will open up a lot of new opportunities for me.Along with the new shift my coworker Johnie and I joined a local gym in Temecula so we head over there a couple days a week after we get off shift, hopefully this will increase my overall fitness level.

Concerning news was told to me by my son Andrew his cousin Danny Barrett was having some pains in his stomach and back along with a swollen testicle I told them he needed to get over to the county hosp and get checked , he did and the news was not good he has cancer .They removed one of his testicles and he has 2 tumors one in his stomach and one in his back. So currently he is in the county hosp in Moreno Valley getting gemo for the cancer. hopefully thing improve over time. Danny was spending some time with me a few years ago when he was into Mtn biking but recent he had moved up north and was staying with his brother. He is in our prayers and hopefully he can beat this set back.
Cahuilla Creek race #3 winter series

My time for the tire change pit stop while at Nascars experience in Daytona Florida
Amanda with all her beads after the Casperella parade
Danica fever is everywhere

Monday, February 8, 2010

Amandas Birthday Day Two

On Saturday Andrew and I got up early and headed down to Elfin forest area so I could race the second race of the R/C winter series . The course was really tough big climbs and a lot of rocky loose descents I played conservatively on the climbs hoping not to blow up my race was just o k not to happy were I ended up but there is a lot of guys the top 10 or so in my class that had equal or better lap times than the expert class so overall I'm glad I did the race consistences will hopefully pay off in the end. After my race me and Andrew hiked around on the course for a while and we had a good time.

Karla had pay for a few people to go trapezing for Amanda's birthday so we meet them at the location after the race it was not far away in Escondido. It was a two hr class so Amanda, Andrew,Karla.Elaina,Tony and tony friend went thru the class it and I took all the pictures it was a lot of fun they all did great. They were taught how to swing from there hands and there knees upside down and sang upside down and had one of the instructors catch them from the trapeze and the do a back flip into the net.After the class we all went out to dinner and had a great time celebrating Amanda's 30th birthday.
Andrew, Elaina, Karla and Amanda ready to get started trapezing

Learning the basic before heading up to the plat form

Amanda heading up the ladder to the plat form

Amanda swinging away like a circus girl

Amanda pulling of the swinging upside down by her legs

Andrew in the middle of one the tricks

Amanda pulling off the release and catch trick Great Job Baby.

Overall the hole crew did very well, all of them pulled off some if not all the maneuvers they were taught in one short two hour class.We all had a great time watching and encouraging the crew on.This was a great birthday present and a great learning experience for everybody.