Karla had pay for a few people to go trapezing for Amanda's birthday so we meet them at the location after the race it was not far away in Escondido. It was a two hr class so Amanda, Andrew,Karla.Elaina,Tony and tony friend went thru the class it and I took all the pictures it was a lot of fun they all did great. They were taught how to swing from there hands and there knees upside down and sang upside down and had one of the instructors catch them from the trapeze and the do a back flip into the net.After the class we all went out to dinner and had a great time celebrating Amanda's 30th birthday.

Andrew in the middle of one the tricks

Overall the hole crew did very well, all of them pulled off some if not all the maneuvers they were taught in one short two hour class.We all had a great time watching and encouraging the crew on.This was a great birthday present and a great learning experience for everybody.